My blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts are few and far between not because my life is boring, but because I have a high (in comparison to my cohort of American 30-somethings) threshold for whether I consider something worthy to host. Very high on Facebook, about as high on blog, a little lower on Twitter. I don't post recipes, memes, or countdown until Christmas.
But, instead of hinting at what i could say.. I'll just say it.
I remember once having so many topics to write on that I had a link for upcoming attractions possibly as many as 15 ideas that turned into about a dozen blogs. And I'm only days ahead on my automatic posting of Monday Melody of my life feature although I know the songs that will bring me to the current by the end of the year. Had trouble with a song by Montgomery Gentry I ended up scratching off the list.
Quick one about perspective and revival, etc. In a nation that claims to be 70% Christian, but only 35% go to church weekly...
And is our internal definition of revival any different than our definition of political victory? Christendom has its advantages... And disadvantages.
I like my job. It keeps me busy, I'm good at it, and I can provide excellent customer service. I have some great co-workers, including my delivery team and service desk team. I would like to move to a full-time position, when the right one opens. (management knows, but most openings are part time or overnight) And that pumpkin headed Halloween decoration that we are selling really freaks me out.
If I had my choice, either Senator Cruz or Senator Rubio would be the GOP nominee. But I don't, and I'm not sure where my irrelevant POTUS vote (If KS goes blue, former SecState Clinton won in a landslide) is going. Johnson, write-in, blank, ???
Honestly, there's only name on the ballot that I know that I am marking, my friend and State Representative Tony Barton. Our family is on his campaign team #teamtony !!
Last Tuesday, August 30, we set our personal record for finishing our routes, throwing the last paper at 4:25pm. Takes a lot of motivation, a couple teen-agers, and a few gallons of gas to get it all done.
My younger daughter loves babies, and with our church with four pregnant women... She's looking forward to holding all the infants... But not all at once!
My wife commented that if we ever had another baby, we'd be there for the birth, and then Olivia would take care of her sibling for the next several years..
My next Saturday blog will begin,
"I was once asked what my best characteristic was. My answer was 'I have none.' "
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